It’s only good until midnight!

I wanted to be sure you saw this note from Mike Apgar yesterday. He’s the donor who is triple matching all donations between now and midnight tonight!

As Free Press’ COO I can personally tell you how critical Mike’s triple-match offer is to our bottom line. We absolutely need to hit our $50,000 year-end fundraising goal to go into 2022 with the resources we need to achieve our goals in the short window of time we’ll have to act.

Will you donate right now to triple your impact on our work?

Match Offer: Still Available
Claim by: 11:59 p.m. on 12/31
Your Gift Triples to:
$20 = $60 | $100 = $300 | $500 = $1,500

Make your fully tax-deductible donation now, before midnight, and take advantage of our limited-time 3x match offer!

Kimberly Longey
Free Press

Free Press
 Triple Your Impact. Help us raise $50k by 12/31.

Hi, it’s me again — your Free Press matching-gift donor.

I’m reaching out with only 1 day left to give toward our triple-match goal. While I’m incredibly lucky to be able to make large donations to Free Press, my gifts are simply not enough.

That’s why I’m trying to inspire activists and supporters like you to make year-end gifts by TRIPLING all donations made before midnight tomorrow. So, please donate now. I want to triple your gift!

Will you make a tax-deductible gift now so I can TRIPLE it in support of Free Press’ urgent work in 2022?

More than 25 years ago, I founded Speakeasy, the world’s first full-fledged internet café, which grew into a national broadband provider. After that, I founded SPEEDTEST.NET & Ookla Net Metrics. I did it all to give people an affordable way to access all of the amazing things the internet had to offer, and to make sure they were getting the speed and quality connections they were promised, free from gatekeepers, discrimination and exploitation.

And with an astounding level of political will in Washington, D.C., right now to reinstate Title II Net Neutrality, dismantle the digital divide and finally regulate Big Tech, I can’t let this moment pass us by without putting up one hell of a fight.

It has never been more urgent for us to support Free Press. Please donate now and I’ll personally TRIPLE your gift until we have raised $50,000 for the organization’s critical work ahead.

Thank you for joining me in our movement’s fight for justice.


Mike Apgar

P.S. By the way, all donations to Free Press are tax deductible. So as you finalize your year-end giving plans, please make a generous donation to Free Press and I’ll be sure to TRIPLE MATCH it. Deal?

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