Can you imagine being denied the fresh food you need to live a healthy life?
That's a reality for many kids in our Bay Area community, who are stuck in an industrial food system where processed foods are more readily accessible than fresh fruits and vegetables. According to high school student Samantha, "In our neighborhood, we don't have access to healthy foods. There's most likely going to be a liquor store or a McDonald's."
But you know that healthy food is a right, not a privilege.
Do you sometimes doubt how much power you have to bring healthy food into Bay Area communities? At CUESA, we see that you have more power than you think. Because the way we build a truly nourishing food system is through an engaged community of people pitching in and taking action together.
You are needed to transform the lives of young people like Samantha and give them a vision of a healthier future. This work does not happen without you.
Our future depends on it.
With gratitude, Marcy Coburn Executive Director