We’ve been fighting for Net Neutrality for more than 10 years. We won’t stop now.

Free Press Action


If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a Net Neutrality supporter. You’ve signed petitions, called your member of Congress, joined a Net Neutrality rally, seen wins and setbacks — and you aren’t giving up.

Millions of people like you have kept the decade-long battle to protect Net Neutrality alive. We believe we can win — but only if we sustain our collective power for the crucial fights unfolding in Congress, the courts and the FCC.

We promise to keep fighting every single day, but we need your help.

Our monthly donors provide a reliable stream of funds that make it possible to mount rapid-response campaigns and implement long-range strategies. Both are needed to win the Net Neutrality fight. Will you become our newest sustainer by chipping in $5/month (or whatever you can) today?

Like you, most people in the United States want real Net Neutrality to be the law of the land.

But greedy executives at companies like Comcast, lawmakers like Mitch McConnell who ignore their constituents, and lapdog regulators like FCC Chairman Ajit Pai have thrown every possible obstacle in our way.

We’ve been fighting for Net Neutrality for more than 10 years, and we’re not about to stop now. Could you help us keep fighting by pitching in $5 per month?

We refuse to let people like Pai and McConnell shut down the open internet that so many lives depend on. But because we don’t take contributions from business, government or political parties (our independence is too important), we rely on your generosity to keep our work going strong every day.

With thanks—

Carrie, Lucia, Amy and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Monthly donations are powerful: They fuel the fight for Net Neutrality against deep-pocketed and ruthless foes all year long. Please make a monthly gift of $5 or more today. Thank you!

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