I've been called the "calm voice of reason" at Stansberry Research. But there's something that makes me furious.

Dear Reader,

I've been called the "calm voice of reason" at Stansberry Research.

But there's something that makes me furious.

  • Financial academics swear by it...
  • Professional money managers recommend it...
  • And, ultimately, Wall Street will profit off it (at YOUR expense).

This is the most dangerous lie in finance. And it's sitting like a ticking time bomb on top of your wealth.

When this thing explodes, you'll be able to sort everyone you know into two categories: Those who knew it was coming. And those who were completely blindsided.

As a Stansberry Research reader, I want you to know what's coming.

That's why next Wednesday, June 23rd I'm going on-air to expose this insidious lie about your money.

I'll explain exactly what it is... why it's been allowed to continue for so long... and the exact steps you can take straight away to protect yourself.

This could be the most important decision you ever make for your financial future.

Because understanding this one lie could mean the difference of tens of thousands of dollars in your retirement account.

I'll share everything you need to know next Wednesday, June 23rd

It's 100% free for Stansberry Research readers. To learn how to join me, simply click here.

Here's to your health, wealth, and a great retirement,

Dr. David Eifrig, MD, MBA
Partner, Stansberry Research

P.S. Like most financial reckonings, I believe this will hit retirees first, decimating the fortunes (and lifestyles) of millions.

But make no mistake...

This lie is so old... so pervasive... that it could gravely impact any American – no matter how old, experienced, or wealthy you are.

(It's even coded into the software your financial advisor could be using to manage your money.)

You must be ready. Here's how to prepare.