Everyone deserves access to lifesaving info about COVID-19.


The digital divide is dangerous in ordinary times, a significant roadblock between low-income people and the essential services they need to survive. Right now, denying access to affordable internet to people of color and other vulnerable communities is unconscionable.

Help Free Press meet our $10,000 #GivingTuesdayNow goal by midnight tonight. A generous donor will match your gift dollar for dollar. There isn’t a moment to waste.

Access to accurate information will save lives.
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Access to truthful information about COVID-19 can be lifesaving. Yet more than 20 million people across our country cannot afford home internet at the same time that they’re being told to stay home.

As unemployment numbers continue to skyrocket, it’s absolutely vital that the federal government invest to help provide affordable internet services during the COVID-19 pandemic and through the economic recovery that will follow.

That’s why Free Press is demanding a stimulus to get — and keep — people connected. Help us raise our collective voice so loud that Congress will have to act. Make your #GivingTuesdayNow gift today: A generous donor is matching all contributions up to $10,000, so every dollar you donate will go twice as far.

With gratitude,

Jessica J. González
Free Press Co-CEO

P.S. Congress has invested $500 billion to bail out large corporations. Mitch McConnell has vowed to “stop the blue state bailout,” showing an astounding indifference to the places where enormous numbers of people are dying every day. It’s time for our government to invest in supporting our most vulnerable communities. Make your #GivingTuesdayNow donation today and help Free Press fight for access to lifesaving information. A generous donor will match all donations dollar for dollar up to $10,000.

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