Join this call: Dr. Mike’s Fab 9 Supplements to Age-Proof Yourself

Hi, I’m Chris Wood, senior healthcare analyst at Health & Wealth Research, a division of Mauldin Economics. I’m also the editor of Healthy Returns, a newsletter Dr. Mike Roizen contributes to every month.

As you may have read in Saturday’s Thoughts from the Frontline, Dr. Mike has agreed to a call where he’ll reveal his “Fab 9” supplements that can make you feel and look younger and stay healthy for years to come. (Please register here to save your seat.)

As his colleague, I’ll have the privilege to interview Dr. Mike, and I’m really looking forward to hearing his insights.

I mean, this is a man who’s at the cutting edge of science at the world-famous Cleveland Clinic.

He’s seen all the studies—actually, the Cleveland Clinic is doing some studies itself—and knows for a fact which vitamins, minerals, and other natural compounds are beneficial for us.

Did you know, for example, that taking two tiny pills per day can slash your risk of heart attack by up to 47%?

And that another supplement, taken daily, can cut your risk of diabetes and high blood pressure... plus strengthen your mitochondria, the energy centers of every cell in your body?

These are scientific facts—no guesswork needed.

I’m emphasizing this because you know how crazy the diet and supplement landscape gets.

The ketos say you can’t eat carbs, the vegans say you can’t eat animal products, and the starch crowd says you can have lots of carbs but no fat.

And let’s not forget the confusion the mainstream media creates by spreading contradictory information all the time: Vitamin X is good for you... Vitamin X is bad for you... Vitamin X doesn’t do anything at all. You’ve probably seen the headlines.

So who should you listen to? Who can you trust?

If you want to know, I recommend you register here for our call on February 28 at 2:00 pm EST.

If you can’t make that date, register anyway, because we’ll send you a recording of the call plus transcript the day after. In any case, you won’t miss it.

The call is completely free, no strings attached.

I hope to see you on February 28!


Chris Wood
Senior Healthcare Analyst
Health & Wealth Research

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