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Dear  ,

We're happy to invite you to join us at the Mingtiandi-Yardi tech survey report launch next Wednesday 15 November 2023 at the St. Regis Singapore.

Kicking off the event at 9:00 AM (local time), Mingtiandi founder Michael Cole and Yardi senior regional director Bernie Devine will provide an overview of the findings from our fourth edition of the survey on technology adoption in the region, which was conducted in July.

Following the presentation will be a panel discussion featuring Alice Chen, co-founder and general counsel of digital securities platforms InvestaX and IX Swap and Elizabeth Low, a senior analyst for customer solutions and partnerships at ESR, Matthew Nortcliff, a partner at law firm Goodwin, as well as Zak Ungerman, a managing director at Emergent Capital Partners.

With up to 92 percent of respondents to the survey of real estate professional predicting that artificial intelligence will have some impact on real estate, join us for this half-day event to find out industry attitudes to technology and innovation, as well as what top players are doing to prepare for the AI transformation.

You may click here to register for the event. If you have any inquiries, feel free to let us know at

We look forward to seeing next week!

Best regards,

Michael Cole
Asia real estate intelligence

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