Please join us January 25 and 26

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Visit Portugal Virtual Marketplace | January 25-26, 1-5PM ET
Visit Portugal Virtual Marketplace
January 25-26, 2022 | 1-5PM ET
Portugal is waiting for you! We’re going LIVE with Visit Portugal and over 40 travel partners to give you this special, one-time opportunity to engage, interact, and take a virtual journey through this beautiful country. Grow your business, create new connections, and even qualify to win some amazing prizes!
Find out more about suppliers attending HERE, including DMCs, Hotels & Local Accommodation, Airlines and the National and Regional Tourism Boards.
Event format: Both prescheduled meetings and drop-in meetings.
Marketplace Appointment Scheduling: Is now open and you’ll receive the link to the online scheduling program after you register for the event.
Platform and Appointment Scheduling: Jack Fenning,
Destination and Suppliers:
Register now for free and attend our upcoming Visit Portugal Virtual Marketplace to increase your knowledge and training about the destination and help you drive bookings and increase your business. Not to mention a chance to win great prizes to Portugal (flights and stays included)! 
January 25-26, 2022 | 1-5PM ET
Instructions to Book Your Appointment
The platform is now open for you to book your pre-scheduled meetings with the Portugal representatives.
Simply register and login to book your pre-scheduled meetings. Once inside the event click on "Meeting Scheduling" on the bottom navigation bar, search for a representative and click "Schedule Meeting". You will then be directed to pick the desired day of your meeting and time.
Download the Suppliers Guide below for more information on each booth participating in the event:

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