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Are you ready for Comey? A collision of scandal, politics, and Russia that wouldn’t be out of place on House of Cards, the fired FBI director’s Senate testimony on Thursday morning is going to be must-see TV for the nation. One Washington tavern has even created an “FBI sandwich” (fried chicken, bacon, and iceberg lettuce, natch) for the event. James Comey’s opening statement, released Wednesday afternoon, gives insight into what he will tell senators about his interactions with President Trump over the investigation into Russia’s election-meddling. It comes after two top U.S. intelligence chiefs refused to say whether they were asked by the president to help impede the Russia probe during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing.—Katie Robertson


Grab the popcorn

The senators on the Intelligence Committee will get a national stage on Thursday to examine Trump’s interactions with former FBI director Comey. Major TV networks, including Bloomberg, are planning live coverage of the hearing, giving an opportunity for senators to make a mark, both on Trump’s future and their own political careers. Here are the ones to watch.

Here are today's top stories...

Bill Gross says market risk is at its highest since before the 2008 crisis. The billionaire bond guru told the Bloomberg Invest New York summit that investors are paying a high price for the chances they’re taking. He also blamed central bank policies for artificially driving up asset prices with low-and negative-interest rates while creating little growth in the economy.


Trump names a new FBI director. The president said Wednesday he will nominate former Justice Department official Christopher A. Wray as FBI director. The timing suggests the White House is trying to turn the page on former FBI director James Comey’s era before a Senate hearing on his dismissal.


Jamie Dimon wants to disrupt JPMorgan. With $2.55 trillion in assets and operations, the bank has the most to lose should clients suddenly decide to do business in a different way. Star coder David Hudson is tasked with building innovation inside the bank to protect it from outside threats, making sure that if new technology upends trading patterns, it’s JPMorgan that does the disrupting.


Why you still can’t trust your financial adviser. This Friday, the Fiduciary Rule will take partial effect. Its future, though, is very much in doubt, which means seeking professional advice on your money remains a dangerous proposition. Consumers complain that many financial advisers just don’t care what’s best for you. But with an industry awash in misconduct, the bigger issue may be that they aren’t required to care.


Theresa May could be damaged even if she wins the U.K. election. The prime minister may have called the snap election, which will be held Thursday, to strengthen her position, but instead it threatens to leave her weaker. Senior Conservative ministers and candidates are privately furious at the way the party has mismanaged the campaign and collapsed its lead over Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party.


in the studio

As BuzzFeed considers going public next year, the entertainment and online media universes are watching its partnership with NBC for clues about where the hybridized TV-web industry is heading. The company’s future may hinge on whether it can get young viewers to spend 23 minutes watching someone eat a $100 doughnut.


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