Jon Gordon
In what seems like the blink of an eye, our world has changed.

The important thing to remember is that in every challenge, there is opportunity. How you respond now will determine your level of success later. This doesn’t just apply to individuals but to companies, organizations and teams as well. 

That's why I'm investing even more into my online Mentor Coaching Program right now.

It's also why I want to offer you the opportunity to join and add 2 extra people for FREE! More on that below...

Yes, we'll continue to do periodic free public webinars on general topics to encourage the masses, but my coaching program is where I go much deeper on specific topics with actionable strategies via LIVE online video coaching sessions. It's also where I spend a great amount of time answering questions directly. The gems that come out of the Q&A are truly amazing. When you're a member, you also get interaction with my team and other coaching program members via our private Facebook group. 

In fact, we have our next LIVE coaching session scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday, March 25 at 12pm ET) with myself and Damon West. Damon is my co-author of The Coffee Bean. We're going to share how you deal with and rise above these current circumstances to create a better future. 


If you join my online Mentor Coaching Program today, you can sign up 3 people for the price of 1! This is perfect for teams, families or if you just want to bless a few friends. To clarify, if you signup you'll be able to invite 2 other people to join for FREE.

When you signup you'll get access to the LIVE session this week, to future sessions (we'll be doing multiple per month for now), replay access to past sessions, and you'll get access to our private Facebook group. 


As an added bonus, if you join at the annual level you also will receive complimentary online access to our Power of a Positive Team video program where I will walk you and your team through a 7-part video series sharing the principles and strategies that make great teams great. (A $297 value).

To join now, just go to or click a direct link below.

It's $400 for the year or $49 per month (but remember, you get 3 people for the price of 1 so if you average this out it's a phenomenal deal). You could even go in together with your friends to share the investment together. 

Once you signup you’ll receive instructions to add your extra people.

We're doing this because I want to enable as many people to join as possible. Why not make it free? Because we do have costs associated with this and because we've found that when there is an exchange, people take it more seriously. Adding in a few friends or teammates creates accountability as well.

While we can't control all the circumstances in our life, we can control how we respond.

Use this time to learn, improve and grow!

I hope to see you inside my Mentor Coaching Program.


P.S., If you have lost your job or honestly can't afford the membership but want to join, let us know. We are making a limited number of scholarships available for those who are unemployed or who are suffering financial hardships. Just please be honest because we want to reserve these spots for those who really need it. Email