So much has happened in the fight for real Net Neutrality
Free Press Action


So much has happened in the fight for real Net Neutrality and you’ve been there with us through it all.

Through the ups and downs, wins and losses, one thing remains true: We’ll never stop fighting to save Title II Net Neutrality.

Will you chip in $10 — or whatever you can — to help win back the open internet?

Here’s a quick recap of our fight for the open internet:

  • Four years ago this week, the FCC passed the strongest Net Neutrality protections in history. (Yay for Title II Net Neutrality!)
  • One year later, federal courts upheld those protections after telecom companies sued to have them revoked. (The internet wins again!)
  • Then in December 2017, the FCC's new Republican majority approved Chairman Ajit Pai's plan to gut the Net Neutrality protections. (Booo ... )
  • And now we’re back in court with a lawsuit to restore the open-internet rules and protect users online. (And we’re confident we can win.)
  • Meanwhile, Congress has been hearing from hundreds of thousands of constituents (like you!) that Net Neutrality is a priority issue — and members need to do something to save it ...

Which brings us up to the last few weeks.

House Republicans are floating three terrible industry-written Net Neutrality bills right now — and there’s an army of telecom lobbyists making the rounds on Capitol Hill spreading lies and whatever else they can (campaign contributions?) to convince members of Congress to get on board.

Whether those bills actually protect the open internet (spoiler alert: they don’t) doesn’t matter to members of Congress who have been bought by the telecom industry. But we’re fighting back and with your help, we won’t let Congress get away with passing fake Net Neutrality bills.

Donate to help remind your lawmakers that they work for YOU, not Comcast.

Unlike a lot of groups, we refuse to take money from business, government or political parties, so every bit you chip in helps — a lot.

Thanks for all that you do,

Lucia, Candace, Heather and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. We’re doing everything we can to stop Congress from passing fake Net Neutrality bills that the telecom companies wrote. Pitch in $10 — or whatever you can — to help save real Net Neutrality.

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