A little reminder of what we’ve accomplished together.

Free Press

Dear Friend,

We've accomplished so much together in 2021 despite all the challenges this year.

A year ago, we were celebrating because our democracy appeared to remain intact (though we were also very much concerned about where Trump’s lies about the election results were heading). And we feel incredibly thankful that we no longer have a White House and FCC that are intent on causing harm.

But this past year has given us much to be grateful for beyond what we got rid of. Thanks to our amazing work alongside our allies, Congress just passed an infrastructure bill with $65 billion for affordable and reliable high-speed internet — a truly historic investment toward ending the digital divide.


And that is far from the only thing we have to feel thankful for. We also:

  • Got — and kept — Trump off of Facebook, Twitter and other social-media platforms
  • Pushed Facebook, Twitter and others to do more to remove disinformation about COVID-19 vaccines, climate change, election integrity and other crucial issues
  • Brought to light the devastating problem of non-English-language disinformation — particularly Spanish-language disinformation — on social media
  • Celebrated one year of Media 2070’s fight for media reparations
  • Expanded our efforts to revive local community-based journalism in cities and states across the country

Despite the challenges and uncertainties of this past year, you have given us a lot to feel grateful for.

None of our achievements in 2021 would have been possible without activists like you.

We hope this reminder of what we’ve achieved together is a boost to your spirits. All of us here at Free Press could not be more proud of what we’ve accomplished — and we deeply appreciate every single supporter like you who helped us get here.

Thank you so much,

Craig Aaron & Jessica J. González
Free Press

P.S. If you saw our email about what it will mean if the Senate doesn’t confirm both of President Biden’s FCC nominees before Congress’ holiday recess, you know how critical these nominations are to our fight. We’re giving supporters like you an opportunity to triple your impact by making your #GivingTuesday donation early. Help us reach our $25k goal and make 3x the difference today!

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