The House has blown its best chance at saving Net Neutrality in 2018.


Remember when we told you that passing the Net Neutrality Congressional Review Act was the fastest way to restore the open-internet rules?

Well, so many members of the House are beholden to Comcast that the measure failed to move forward.

We're gearing up to push the new Congress to stand with you and the millions of people across the country who need strong Net Neutrality protections. But to pull all this off, we need to gain 250 new monthly donors by Dec. 31 or we’ll need to scale back our plans.

Will you give a monthly donation of $7 (or whatever you can) to fuel our Net Neutrality fight in 2019?

Thanks so much!


Free Press Action


The Republican-led House blew its best chance at saving Net Neutrality in 2018.1

Instead of standing up for their constituents, too many representatives have sided with Trump’s FCC and companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon, which remain free to block or slow down anything online.

The House dropped the ball, but we won’t quit.

We’ve sued the FCC, and we’re moving fast on a plan to get the new Congress on the side of the 86 percent of people in the United States who oppose the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal.2

But to pull all this off, we need to gain 250 new monthly donors by Dec. 31 or we’ll need to scale back our plans.

Will you give a monthly donation of $10 (or whatever you can) to fuel our Net Neutrality fight in 2019?

Net Neutrality had a huge year. We’ve built incredible people power, and that momentum is going to make major waves in the new Congress, and keep us going as we take on the FCC in court.

As we prepare to face off against Ajit Pai and his FCC lawyers in 2019, we need to know that you have our back.

Will you become a monthly donor to support our Net Neutrality lawsuit?

We’ve been in the Net Neutrality fight long enough to know that each step we take together sets us up for future wins. The House screwing up on the Net Neutrality Congressional Review Act in 2018 is a major disappointment, but we’re confident that we’ll win this fight in the long term. Because the internet and the vast majority of people in the United States are on our side (and so is the legal precedent).

Donate $10 monthly — or whatever you can give — to keep us going strong.

Your support matters. It shows that we’re doing the work our members value. And it keeps us afloat when the going gets tough because we don’t accept any donations from business, government or political parties — we’re funded solely by charitable foundations and individuals like you.

Thanks for all your support—

Lucia, Dutch, Carrie and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Help us sue the s*#t out of the FCC and bring back the open internet: Become a monthly donor to fuel this work.


1. Barring some kind of last-minute miracle ... technically the House has until the new Congress is sworn in on Jan. 3, 2019 to pass the Net Neutrality CRA.

2. “Survey: Huge Bipartisan Majority Opposes Net Neutrality Repeal,” DSL Reports, April 18, 2018:

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