Lawmakers on Team Cable think they can scare us.
Free Press Action
Free Press vs big cable

Chip in $10 to help win the fight for real Net Neutrality. Team Cable is pulling in millions and we rely on small dollar donations to keep us running.


This one’s a doozy.

When Free Press Action testified at Tuesday’s House hearing1 on the Save The Internet Act, Rep. Billy Long demanded that we report how much money we’ve raised from emails like this on the issue of Net Neutrality.

Meanwhile, the telecom industry has given at least $101 million2 to sitting members of Congress and their PACs over the past 30 years.

Comcast alone made $94 billion in revenue last year.3That’s enough to cover our annual budget every 30 minutes.

Free Press Action refuses to take money from business, government or political parties. But somehow Rep. Long thinks your donations are the problem.

The bottom line: Your activism is working. The arguments we made in front of Congress this week are winning. And that’s why the pro-cable reps are so nervous.

Chip in $10 — or whatever you can — to ramp up the resistance and help pass the Save The Internet Act.

Thanks for all that you do,

Collette, Carrie and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Lawmakers on Team Cable think they can scare us. But we aren’t afraid; we’re fired up. Chip in $10 — or whatever you can — to help win the fight for real Net Neutrality.

1. "Free Press Action Double Header in Congress," Free Press Action, March 13, 2019:

2. “The 265 Members of Congress Who Sold You Out to ISPs, and How Much It Cost to Buy Them,” March 29, 2017, The Verge:

3. “Comcast Corporation Form 10-K Annual Report,” filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, Jan. 23, 2019:

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