October 24, 2016

You Won’t Believe the Insane Calorie Counts of These 14 Greasy Favorites

Unless you’ve been eating under a rock, you probably know by now that the greasier something is, the unhealthier it is for you, especially from a fat and calorie standpoint. But we bet that the sheer quantity of calories contained in some of the...Read More
Mozzarella Sticks

10 Recipes for a Healthy Haunted Halloween Party

For kids (and some adults), trick-or-treating is an essential Halloween experience, but wandering around dark neighborhoods for hours, knocking on strangers’ doors, and receiving “magic pennies” can get tiresome pretty quickly. That’s why it’s best...Read More

11 Best-Ever Halloween Decorating Tips

Halloween is only a couple of weeks away, and if you haven’t decorated for this spooky day already, you better get started! If you are ahead of the game and have already covered your home in fake cobwebs and zombie brides, then we have some extra...Read More
Halloween Decoration

If You Haven’t Had Enough Pumpkin Yet, Here’s How to Have It for Breakfast Too

Pumpkin season is in full swing, and we honestly can’t stop ourselves from constantly stocking up on these beautiful vegetables, no matter whether we need more of them in our kitchen or not. Therefore, throughout October and November, pumpkin is a...Read More
Pumpkin Oatmeal

6 Creepiest Catacombs Not for the Claustrophobic

Here at The Daily Meal, we delve into a lot of details and evaluations of cuisine, restaurants, and travel destinations around the world, but here’s an article that’s much more straightforward: examining all the creepy catacombs of the world.[...Read More
6 Creepiest Catacombs Not for the Claustrophobic

13 Reasons Halloween Is Better Than Christmas

Halloween is now the second highest grossing holiday in America, following closely behind Christmas. This means that its status as a popular, widely celebrated day is well and truly set, and there’s no way of denying its crazy popularity. However,...Read More
Christmas is Better than Halloween

Move Over, Seamless: Now You Can Order Food on Facebook

Facebook just announced a food-ordering feature that will allow the popular social media site to compete with delivery services like Seamless and Grub Hub.[related]You can now order food through individual Facebook restaurant pages via services like...Read More
Facebook: It’s not just for political ramblings and engagement pictures anymore.

Man Eats World’s Hottest Pepper and Ends Up in Hospital for Collapsed Lung

Competitive eating may be an intense athletic event, but one adventurous San Franciscan took his competitive spirit one step too far.[related]The ghost pepper is notoriously one of the hottest peppers on Earth, burning at 1 million Scoville units....Read More
Unlike the pepper he digested, this guy isn’t feeling too hot.

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