20/11/23View in Browser
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 Latest News
Agrifood Brief: Warning – Will kill weeds and coalitions on 17/11/23
After EU member states failed to reach a majority for or against the re-authorisation of the controversial weedkiller glyphosate, the Commission is now planning to unilaterally authorise it for 10 years. And while there’s still debate over environmental and health...
German farmers: Ukraine membership would spell end of EU farming system on 17/11/23
Ukraine joining the European Union in the future would result in the 'death' of the family farm as we know it, according to German Farmers' Union President Joachim Rukwied.
EU’s billion-euro bet on fish farming has not paid off, EU auditors warn on 16/11/23
The bloc's investment, worth more than €1 billion in EU funds over seven years, has failed to deliver “tangible results” in the aquaculture sector, according to the European Court of Auditors (ECA).
EU urged to do more to build carbon removals market on 15/11/23
Businesses remain sceptical that a new EU certification framework for carbon removals is sufficient to generate a self-sustaining market, arguing Brussels must do more to make removing carbon from the atmosphere financially attractive.
Ten German farms went bust each day last decade on 13/11/23
Germany saw an average of 10 farms go out of business every day in the last decade, according to the German government's agricultural policy report, which has spurred associations and the opposition to call on the agriculture minister to take action.
What does the future of EU food policy look like? on 13/11/23
With EU elections looming and the fate of a number of key sustainability files up in the air, agrifood stakeholders are facing an uncertain few months. What does this mean for the future shape of EU food policy in the...
Commission considers reshuffle of top jobs amid calls for a food chief on 13/11/23
The European Commission is currently modelling options for potential changes to college makeup for the next mandate, according to sources, amid calls from agrifood stakeholders for a new Executive Vice-President for Food.
Decarbonising European Fertilizer Production – Pathways to Sustainable Food [Promoted content] on 09/11/23
Mineral fertilisers boost crop yields thus helping to feed 50% of the global population. However, the production is currently based on fossil fuels. Several technologies have been identified to decarbonise fertiliser production. But while low-carbon fertilisers look promising, cost, regulatory framework and scale stand in the way of widespread adoption.
EPP faces pushback on gene-editing liberalisation proposal on 08/11/23
Left-wing parties in the European Parliament have criticised a proposal by centre-right European People's Party (EPP) lawmaker Jessica Polfjärd to loosen rules on new genomic techniques (NGTs) even more than the Commission originally aimed for.
Empowering next generations through the power of whole grain [Promoted content] on 08/11/23
Whole grains are essential for health, providing crucial nutrients and reducing disease risk. Sadly, many struggle to include whole grains in their diet. The Whole Grain Initiative aims to partner with governments to tackle this health challenge.

 Agrifood Weekly 
EU stalls on strategy to curb nutrient losses (08/11/23)
UN food agency warns of hidden health-related costs in EU’s food systems (08/11/23)
Storm Ciaran: The human, material and financial costs on France (08/11/23)
New genomic techniques: A panacea for reducing pesticide use? (07/11/23)
WHO lobbies EU lawmakers against watering down alcohol cancer risk (07/11/23)
Dependency on fossil fuels affects food production too, study warns (03/11/23)
Agrifood Brief: NGTs in the UK (03/11/23)
A view from the farm: From policy gaps to navigating the CAP (31/10/23)
EU proposes new pesticide reduction target amid controversy (30/10/23)
Integrating New Approach Methodologies in Research and Testing Strategy: A Pharmaceutical Industry Perspective [Promoted content] (30/10/23)
EU, Australia fail to agree on trade deal (30/10/23)
Red alert in the pink city (27/10/23)
Crete to host first European centre for aquatic animal welfare (26/10/23)
Join the conversation to shape Europe’s circular bio-based future [Promoted content] (26/10/23)
Bluetongue: Countries call for new vaccine, fear livestock export blow (24/10/23)
EUSFI encourages the Commission to keep the momentum on sustainable food systems [Promoted content] (24/10/23)
Agrifood Brief: A topsy-turvy Parliament (20/10/23)
MEPs push for a new target on sales of low-risk, biological pesticides (20/10/23)
EU lawmaker: Commission should not fear ‘power struggle’ with China on fisheries (19/10/23)
To tackle biofuel fraud, Ireland takes matters into its own hands (19/10/23)
EU countries seek to scrap national pesticide reduction targets (17/10/23)
Leaked Commission agenda sounds death knell for missing Farm to Fork files (16/10/23)
Agrifood Brief: Comi-what-ogy? (13/10/23)
Glyphosate’s fate still hanging after inconclusive EU vote (13/10/23)
Germany readies to make shooting wolves easier (12/10/23)
‘Dear Ursula’: EU Commission chief invited to visit Nordic forests ahead of election year (12/10/23)
Glyphosate renewal: A ’round-up’ of how EU countries plan to vote (12/10/23)
Food safety standards ‘cannot be part of politics’, top Ukraine official says (11/10/23)
Tie farming subsidies to performance, OECD tells EU (10/10/23)
Agrifood Brief: The best thing that could ever CAP-pen (06/10/23)
Ukraine’s EU membership will trigger a rewriting of CAP, says Kyiv official (06/10/23)
New study questions accuracy of EU’s biofuel impact assessments (06/10/23)
Glyphosate approval proposal will not be turned upside down, EU Commissioner says (05/10/23)
Berlin sends new agriculture envoy to help Western Balkans with EU accession (04/10/23)
Commission still evasive on timeline of EU’s food agenda missing pieces (03/10/23)
Commission to reconsider its glyphosate renewal proposal, sources say (03/10/23)
Warsaw, Kyiv make breakthrough on Ukrainian grain transit (03/10/23)
Agrifood Special CAPitals Brief: Enjoy, it’s from Europe! (29/09/23)
German regions insist on reorientation of EU farm policy (29/09/23)
Agriculture must escape the trap set by the European right (28/09/23)

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