27/06/24View in Browser
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Kazakhstan seeks $150 billion of foreign investment in the next five years [Advocacy Lab Content]  
Kazakhstan’s innovation agenda aims to attract $150 billion of foreign investment in the next five years while doubling the country’s GDP. Kazakh President Tokayev is looking to Europe to realize the funding project.
Czechia, Slovakia bicker over bilateral ‘restart’  
The Capitals brings you the latest news from across Europe, through on-the-ground reporting by Euractiv’s media network.
EU, Ukraine to sign bilateral security agreement  
The European Union and Ukraine are expected to sign a long-term security agreement when Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visits Brussels on Thursday (27 June), pledging to maintain military support and other aid to Kyiv as it fights off Russia’s invasion....
Benefits of selected specialty food ingredients for gut health [Promoted content]  
There are more microbes in the human body than there are stars in the Milky Way. So it's no surprise that the microbiome’s vital contribution to overall wellbeing has become an important topic for both scientists and consumers in recent years. But did you know that an individual’s gut microbiota is as unique as a fingerprint? And that specialty food ingredients such as fibre, probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics and postbiotics can support gut health?
EU leaders expected to agree on Von der Leyen, top jobs despite lingering resistance  
EU leaders are expected to nominate on Thursday (27 June) incumbent European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for a second term as part of a top jobs deal, but some lingering resistance is still expected to be part of the negotiations.

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🟦 Daily Update 
Poland, Baltics call for ‘defence line’ along Europe’s Eastern border 
How Australia’s quiet diplomacy led Julian Assange to freedom 
US Big Tech lobby challenges EU Commission’s telecoms ‘investment gap’ 
Bolivia coup attempt fails after military assault on presidential palace 
EU leaders to decide on top jobs, agenda for next term 
Von der Leyen assures EU leaders external dimension of migration key priority next term 
EU officials pitch EU space law as a competitiveness driver 
EU must think how to counter Russia’s hybrid attacks on its soil, Lithuania warns 
The Brief – Emmanuel Macron, the lonely man 
EU CO2 price ‘significantly’ influenced by political backing, researchers find 
German Chancellor Scholz urges hesitant EU leaders to greenlight Von der Leyen fast 
Timmermans’ cabinet chief Samsom to chair natural gas giant Gasunie 
Member states agree on EU-wide rules for the welfare of cats and dogs 
EU toughens Belarus sanctions to curb Russia evasion 
Leading Slovak politician denies Slovakia’s pandemic, as health ministry rejects revised WHO regulations [Advocacy Lab Content] 
Commission’s finance chief: EU leaders must do better at bolstering bank mergers, Banking Union 
Meloni’s support for EU top jobs deal increasingly uncertain 
Enabling Green and Digital Growth: Making Sustainability Reporting Work for SMEs [Promoted content] 
Rutte confirmed as next NATO chief, follows Stoltenberg 
Belgium passes on the baton after a well-acquitted Presidency of the EU 
EU backs 650-billion-euro plan to help cities reach net zero by 2030 
Kazakhstan emerging as haven for biomedical research and clinical testing [Advocacy Lab Content] 
The New European Bauhaus – a paradigm shift 
Large EU telcos call for more regulation on Big Tech 
Poland aims to revise EU green policies during Council presidency 

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