1001 FREE GIFTS! See details below!

Today we had Stuffingless Dog Toys, Shampoo Bars, Portable Ice Bath and more! Check everything out right here https://meatball.thatdailydeal.com/good_deals.php

This round, ONE THOUSAND AND ONE FREE GIFTS will be thrown into order! This is in addition to our daily promotions. Obviously the more orders you place, the more likely you will be one of the ones to receive something free thrown in your orders!

Just our way of saying THANK YOU for supporting our small company.

*No purchase necessary to enter. If you would like to earn an entry without a purchase, simply write an original and unique haiku. Every unique haiku submitted will earn you an entry for the current giveaway. TO be considered a "original", they must be written by you. To be considered "unique" they must vary by at least 8 words from any other haiku submitted in the past. Submit your haikus to myhaiku@thatdailydeal.com.