An argument with your partner could have you feeling very disheartened and somewhat depressed today, Capricorn. Yet you probably are too shaken up to feel like discussing it with him or her. Spend the day keeping yourself busy and working off your frustration. Forget about it for a while, Capricorn. This should enable you to see the situation more objectively, so that you'll be in the proper frame of mind to kiss and make up when the evening comes.
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Daily Horoscope
Daily Horoscope

You radiate something special today, friend, a kind of magnetism. Motivated by the combined effect of Strength and Death you have a strong hold over the people that are close to you. There are some that are trying to disentangle themselves from you, but others are quite happy to be under your spell. Just make sure you do not abuse your powers and your authority, as this might easily turn against you. At work, put your faith in those around you to support you and open up new opportunities. Under the auspices of Strength, the professional environment is in your favor provided you’re prepared to stop struggling and let out your fears to someone who’s willing to listen. There’s no shame in taking a bit of a break and allowing your guard to drop a little. Work out whom to call, and talk it over until things seem clearer…

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