You probably won't want to spend much time at home today, Capricorn. Most likely you'll want to be out and about, perhaps at a large gathering, perhaps just strolling down a city street watching the people go by. Insights and revelations come to you that you'll probably be able to make more sense of than you usually do, because mind and feelings are joined in a very effective partnership. Write your ideas down! Enjoy your day.
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Daily Horoscope
Daily Horoscope

Today you’ll not mince your words when talking to the people you love, friend. You’ve decided that sincerity is the key to good relationships and you abhor any form of hypocrisy. Justice and Temperance indicate that certain people will greatly appreciate your frankness, while others will be hurt, and take offense. Notwithstanding these different reactions, you know deep in your heart that this is the only way in which you will achieve the equilibrium that you need. At work, your impulsiveness and abundant energy fit badly with the measured outlook of your co-workers or associates. Guided by Justice, your colleagues don’t really understand your enthusiasm and eagerness to try new things. They are anxious to reflect on things and weigh the pros and cons before setting off, while you will tend to race off down the road of destiny without asking too many questions… Watch out for misunderstandings!

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