German subsidies for industry energy prices are the wrong remedy on 13/10/23 Berlin wants to unilaterally interfere with industrial power prices, but its proposal is intrinsically flawed and raises serious concerns about its compatibility with EU law. Any temporary support should be linked to production levels, write Bernd Weber and Klaus-Dieter Borchardt. ...
Capital Markets Union: A goal or an excuse? on 13/10/23 In recent months, calls to complete the EU's Capital Markets Union (CMU) have become more frequent, but it's not always clear whether the CMU's most recent supporters really want a more integrated financial market or whether they just use the vagueness of the term to hide other political objectives.
Commission calls on EU countries to adapt to ageing population on 12/10/23 The European Commission has called on member states to adopt policies aimed at lengthening the life expectancies of citizens, but it did not make any concrete proposals and shied away from tackling controversial topics such as an increase in retirement ages.
The Power Game of the Decade [Promoted content] on 12/10/23 Europe currently still has substantial windows of opportunity to kill two birds with one stone and diversify its energy supply towards a more sustainable future, whilst also strengthening its independence through newly globalised energy partnerships. But truth be told: the...
Digital Networks Act: Breton lays out vision for EU telecom operators on 12/10/23 Thierry Breton, the EU Commissioner for the Internal Market, unveiled the core proposals of a highly awaited EU telecom legislation, the Digital Networks Act (DNA), where he supported the concentration of telecom operators and the creation of EU telecom "champions".
Debt rules: French MPs oppose ‘ideological’ German position on 11/10/23 Germany’s demand that ‘common numerical benchmarks’ be added to the EU economic governance reform is both “ideological and uncorrelated from reality”, a report by French MPs published on Wednesday (11 October) argues, calling for more transparency with national parliaments.