Economic impact of 2024 Olympic Games on France examined on 10/05/24 The Olympic flame arrived in Marseille on Wednesday in front of 200,000 spectators, just weeks before the opening of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. What economic impact will the competition have on France?
A competitive and resilient Europe requires transitioning from sectoral to systemic thinking on 10/05/24 Research and innovation policy in Europe and elsewhere has for decades been increasingly designed with the singular purpose of enhancing the bettering valorisation of research investment, and the route to this goal has generally been assumed to be through industrial development
Key EU lawmaker Peter Liese already eyeing next CO2 price revamp on 10/05/24 German EU lawmaker Peter Liese is already eyeing the next revamp of the EU’s emissions trading scheme, wants a CO2 Central Bank and is campaigning for his party to stay the course on EU climate targets, he told Euractiv in an interview.
The future of Europe’s research and innovation programmes on the cusp of a new era on 09/05/24 The EU's current programme, Horizon Europe – one of the strongest and largest research and Innovation frameworks in the world – will end in 2027. The ground is now being set for its successor, one that needs to match the caliber of Europe’s knowledge base with the creativity and precision needed to drive the bloc's competitiveness for the next decade.