Sorry to invade your privacy, I am Mrs. Daniella Kyle the wife of Mr Angelo Kyle. My husband worked with Central Bank of Philippines for ten years before he died in the year 2012. When my late husband was alive he deposited sum amount of Money with a Bank in Singapore. Presently,this money is still with the Bank. I have been in a hospital in Philippines tryig to receive treatment right now, my doctor confirmed to me that I have just few time to live on earth due to my esophageal cancer. And we don't have a child or any trusted person for this reason, I am choosing you to receive this money on my behalf,and use it to help the less privilege. I am counting on fear of God in your heart to do this for me as a gusture of goodwill. Please hurridly reply me so that I would be able to furnish you with details and documents covering the fund deposit consequently enable you claim it and also with the bank information because there is no enough time for me.

Mrs. Daniella Kyle