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January 30, 2025
It’s Tax Time: Your Guide To Calculate Farm Income This Year
Farm CPA Paul Neiffer details the differences between what USDA and the IRS consider as farm income.

Among their top recommendations: Address your No. 1 yield-limiting factor, employ the 5% rule and fix soil pH.

Crop Consultants Offer Their Top Tips To Reduce Input Costs

At the height of the recent cold snap, subzero temperatures were recorded across the Great Plains and as far south as the northern Panhandle of Texas. As temperatures warm up, the damage to the winter wheat crop is being assessed, but the full extent might not be known until later in the season.

Freezing Temps and Lack of Snow Cover Sprouts Concerns Over Severe Damage to Winter Wheat

Just hours before it was set to take effect, U.S. District Judge Loren AliKhan issued the order, delaying implementation until at least Feb. 3, 2025. The potential impact of a funding freeze on disaster relief is one area that remains uncertain.

White House Abruptly Rescinds Federal Funding Freeze

Mike Naig says the U.S. government is using what he describes as a three-legged stool approach to address the virus in the dairy and poultry industries.

Iowa Secretary of Ag Weighs In on The H5N1 Battle, Vaccine Potential And Trade Sensitivities
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