Learn how to look and feel younger — and never look back! Click Here.
How's it going?
Women who rock gray hair rock our world
(but OK, it's not for everyone).
Coloring kits come in many shades to wipe out gray.
Your best shade changes with age. Is it time for a new hue?
You want those grays gone, but the cost of keeping up your color in the salon is just too much, and DIY-ing it has never worked out well. No worries: New advances make everything that used to bug you about at-home dye jobs moot.

Here you'll find nine of them, including the best way to cover grays in textured hair, how to extend your color and conceal your roots, and when and where to lighten up.
Bangs, Not Botox
Bangs, Not Botox
Your hairstylist told you cutting bangs would cut years off your looks, but you're just not that into a blunt line. Discover four more age-appropriate ways to style your bangs. All these cuts are sexy, sophisticated, and superflattering, especially after 40.

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Changing your hair color makes you feel pampered.
But if your body hair changes, you feel puzzled. The culprit could be your genes, bad habits, or even hormones gone haywire. (Turns out your hair can say a lot about you beyond when your last cut was.) For a few root causes and advice on when to see your doctor, read "7 Things Your Body Hair Says about Your Health".
Younger in 8 Weeks
Want prettier hair, skin, and nails — naturally?
Plus a slimmer, trimmer body and a boost of energy to boot? The experts here at Prevention developed an 8-week plan to help reverse the signs of aging without surgery. Then we asked 21 real women just like you to test it — and the results were truly amazing. You're going to want to read this.
Cumin Powder
Want one simple weight loss tip? Eat more cumin.
New research shows that cumin powder can help jumpstart weight loss and decrease body fat.

We've got great suggestions on how to eat more cumin, too — like sprinkle it all over your roasted veggies. Yum.
Clean Everyday Foods
And finally …
We love eating clean and catchy charts so much, we married 'em! Here's your at-a-glance guide to clean everyday foods.

Plus, here's how to figure out healthy portion sizes in one “handy” chart. (You'll get why we used quotation marks in a sec.)
It's been fun! Until next time,

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