Take one critical action to protect democracy today


Dear Friend,

I wanted to catch you before you left for the weekend.

As our 2019 financial year comes to a close and we finalize our plans for 2020, we need all the support we can gather.

I won’t mince words with you, Friend: We’re in the fight of our lives. Every day the Trump administration looks for new ways to chip away at our First Amendment rights and the rights of people of color in particular. Our democracy is literally hanging on by a thread.

But we have ambitious plans to fight back, including fighting for Net Neutrality, standing up against online hate, and protecting local journalism and the rights to privacy and dissent.

Will you make a tax-deductible donation to Free Press today to fuel our work in 2020 and beyond? A generous donor will match every single gift dollar for dollar up to $100,000.

You know how important this work is — a free and open internet is the backbone of every social-justice movement. Of democracy itself.


This work wouldn’t be possible without your generous donations. Since we don’t take money from business, government or political parties, your contributions are crucial. Please take a moment right now to make a tax-deductible gift to Free Press.

Thank you for all that you do,


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