A couple days ago, I shared a way to see the private wealth formula...
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Dear Reader,

A couple days ago, I shared a way to see the private wealth formula of one of the richest guys I know.

The same formula more than a dozen very ordinary people have used, under this gentleman's mentorship, to become millionaires.

You see, my mentor and ETR founder, Mark Ford, is different than any "guru" you're likely to meet.

Yes, he has a multimillion-dollar mansion on the beach in Palm Beach County.  And a million-dollar vacation home on the Pacific Ocean in Central America... an extensive art collection....

But what most people don't know about Mark is that he is actually very, very conservative. He could have yachts and boats and more "stuff." He's not interested in that. He spends his time writing books, mentoring people like me, and devoting time and money to his family's charitable foundation.

Don't get me wrong... Mark is still very much "in the game." He is the Wealth Coach at Palm Beach Research Group.  He is still the chief creative consultant to Agora – the giant publishing house that pretty much wrote the rules on Internet publishing. He directs a half dozen other multi-million-dollar businesses, makes movies, collects art, speaks four languages, and trains Brazilian jiu-jitsu five days a week with men half his age.

Yet Mark has a very conservative approach to wealth building. When tens of millions of people got poorer after the crash of 2008, he got richer.

And although Mark invests in stocks and bonds, his formula for getting rich is not dependent on the stock market. In fact, he'll tell you that "you can't get rich by simply investing in stocks."

So far, readers Jonathan and Mabel Teller have earned over $50,000 from just one of Mark's ideas.

And Larry Thomas did even better...

Larry’s already well past $800,000 using the opportunities Mark has personally used to make millions...

And again... they're generating income without stocks, bonds, or any other conventional investment.

So how does it work? Well, I recommend you click here to see the strategy in action.

P.S. You have until midnight Saturday to decide if this is right for you. So if you’re at all interested, I encourage you not to wait.

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