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Today | 2:00 - 3:15 PM ET
Many nonprofits focus their grant seeking on large national foundations, even though community foundations are often more accessible, have strong local ties, and give away billions to charities each year.

How can you get the attention of community foundations and win support for your cause?

There’s still time to join us today at 2 PM ET for the webinar Attracting Support from Community Foundations to learn from our expert guests how to determine if your nonprofit is a fit for a potential grant maker, ways to approach and engage program officers, and how to write proposals that rise above the competition.

You'll learn:
  • Key ways community foundations differ from other grant makers
  • What community foundations want to see in grant applications — and what they don’t
  • How to host site visits that strengthen ties with these grant makers
This session will include live captioning and ASL interpretation. To request other accommodations, please email or call 202-466-1032.

This session qualifies for 1.25 CFRE credits.
CRFE 2024

The Chronicle of Philanthropy | 1255 Twenty-Third St., N.W. | Washington, D.C. 20037
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