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Fellow Writer, What if I told you I personally know dozens of writers who make six-figures a year? And, this is the best part it all comes from writing they love to do ... I’m one of them. And I'm about to tell you how you can join our “six-figure writer's club.” Note: I understand if you're shaking your head in disbelief right about now. I was the same way just a few years ago. Back then, I didn't think a writer could make a decent living unless you hit it big with a bestselling novel or screenplay. Fluke novels aside, I thought most writing careers meant a life of beans and rice and budget hotels. That's why I got myself a “real” job as a manager complete with 60-hour work weeks, limited vacations, and a hyper-controlling boss. Didn't take long for my life to turn bleak and boring, like an endless gray road stretched out in front of me. I had no passion for my work, which left me drained. That's when I got a letter from American Writers & Artists Inc. (AWAI). At the time, I'd already spent months looking for a way out of my unfulfilling job. So I got excited when this letter described a secret world of high-paying writing opportunities where skilled writers were in demand. Excited but also skeptical. How come I'd never heard of this world? I did some digging and found out the letter had been sent to me because I subscribed to Writer's Digest. That credibility boost made me want to know more. As it turned out, everything AWAI said was true. There was a hidden world of writing opportunities with real people making big bucks off something they loved writing. So I jumped right in literally. Quit my job and hung out my shingle as a writer. Success didn't happen for me overnight. It took me 3 years of practice and study but by that third year I hit the six-figure mark and haven't looked back since. I'll confess those first two years were challenging, earning me only $17K and $24K, respectively. I stuck with it though, because at least I was doing something I loved. But what if you could jump into life as a writer and take the fast-track to success? Do something you love, and make a great living? Because now there's a way. See, my problem was that, after learning about this hidden world of writing opportunities, I thought I could launch a writing career completely on my own. Maybe I could have, but I'll bet it would've taken me a decade. It wasn't till I reached out to this particular writing community for support and resources that my writing career took off (and boy did it ever!). I'm at a point now where I have to turn down work. I even subcontract to other writers. Yet I rarely work more than 30 hours a week, all from my home office where I enjoy a glorious view of the stunning Sandia-Manzano Mountains. It's crazy, considering I never thought I could make a living doing this. The turning point for me was when I connected with other writers who helped show me the way. I've never forgotten that. So when an opportunity came along for me to “pay it forward” to offer the same kind of guidance to new writers just launching their careers, I jumped in. It's called the Barefoot Writers Club, designed for writers who are ready to follow their passion and know they deserve to be compensated fairly for it. Our goal is to show writers like you how it is possible to manage your own time and write when and where you want, whether it's from the comfort of your own home or a caf overlooking the river Seine and still make a great living from it. Because (like I discovered in my first two years), there's a lot more to life as a paid writer than just writing well. I know I initially struggled with finding high-paying clients and putting myself “out there.” Figuring out how to stay motivated was also a challenge for me there were times when I felt like I was walking blind! As a member of the Barefoot Writers Club, you don't have to worry about any of that. Our monthly member publication, The Barefoot Writer, is jam-packed with things like ... How to build an audience of readers, as well as people who want to pay you to write. Guaranteed writing gigs that pay. Plans you can follow to make a living as a writer. Tips to jumpstart your creativity. Stories and advice from your fellow writers who are having success. Miraculous productivity tips. How to write your way to passive income. Why NOW is the best time ever for a career as a professional writer. ... And so much more! Club membership is at a steep discount for the next 48 hours just $49. You'll get full access to all the how-to guides and roadmaps for accelerating your writing income information I paid thousands of dollars for over the years. But now that we've launched the Barefoot Writers Club, those guides along with hundreds of other helpful getting-started tips are all in one place, for one low price. As soon as you sign up, you'll get full membership rights to the Club for the next 12 months. That includes 12 Issues of The Barefoot Writer digital publication, plus all back-issues, along with immediate access to $313 worth of special reports designed to get you launched as a paid writer as quickly as possible. (That includes reports like The 12 Hottest Emerging Writing Trends and 122 Amazing Perks and Freebies for Barefoot Writers) |
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