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Runway safety concerns in focus as Japan probes Tokyo crash on 03/01/24 Japanese investigators are preparing to probe the collision of two airplanes at Tokyo's Haneda airport, weeks after the global airline industry heard fresh warnings about runway safety.
2023 in transport: The resurrection of the combustion engine on 22/12/23 Germany’s shock intervention to save the combustion engine captivated Euractiv readers in 2023, as the auto behemoth’s last-minute change of heart saw it upend the usual rules of EU policy making.
Rethinking the EU’s regulatory approach in the auto sector on 21/12/23 The immense scale of transformation underway in the automotive sector should give Europe cause to rethink how it regulates in the interest of both consumers and the competitiveness of its industry, argues Sigrid de Vries.
Calls to restrict heavily-polluting ships from landing at EU ports on 20/12/23 Ships that have a particularly low environmental grade should face penalties, such as restrictions from entering EU ports, an environmental advocacy group has said, arguing that doing so will incentivise global maritime companies to cut their carbon footprint.
Devil in the details to reach the EU’s green jet fuel targets on 19/12/23 Europe’s ambitious targets to replace increasing quantities of fossil kerosene with green aviation fuels will be extremely challenging to meet - though with a broad and evolving mix of fuel sources, as well as sustained political and industry support, it is within grasp.
2023: The year Europe finalised its path to greener transport on 19/12/23 The plethora of EU legislation proposed in 2021 to cut emissions was largely finalised in 2023, with new rules passed that will significantly alter the environmental impact of transport in Europe.
Iceland volcano erupts near town after weeks of quake activity on 19/12/23 A volcano erupted late on Monday (18 December) in southwest Iceland, spewing lava and smoke across a wide area after weeks of intense earthquake activity, the country's Meteorological Office said, threatening a nearby town.
Polish truckers resume blockade of key Ukraine checkpoint on 19/12/23 Polish hauliers on Monday (18 December) resumed their blockade of the largest freight border crossing with Ukraine following a court order that allowed the truckers to go back to the Dorohusk checkpoint.
Cars spared from tighter exhaust standards under Euro 7 deal on 18/12/23 A deal was reached between the European Parliament and Council on Monday (18 December) on new rules to tighten pollution standards for cars and trucks, with the text primarily focused on reining in pollution from brakes and tyres.
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