Throughout the ages, philosophers, artists and sages have all said the same thing, which is this: Do what only you can do, what your soul yearns to do, what you were put here to do.
However, in the modern world, most people are lost and cover up their truth. They are afraid of their truth. They quickly meet what Steven Pressfield, in The War of Art,calls "The Resistance," which is all the fear, guilt, apathy and anger that subconsciously keeps people from pursuing their Truth with vigor and dedication.
Hence, we've become a nihilistic, production and consumption obsessed society. People now live to work and consume. But modern man, for the most part, isn't truly connectedto his work. He simply trades his hours of work for money, so that he may meet his basic needs and continue to pay for the treasured distractions from his Truth.
In 1958, philosopher Eric Fromm, warning about how the USA could destroy itself said,