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Upcoming Webinar Lineup
Thursday, May 28 at 3:00 PM ET
Effectively Monitoring and Managing the Three E's of Industrial Air Filtration

Does your EH&S strategy include understanding and monitoring the three E's of industrial air filtration: Exposure, Efficiency, and Emissions?

Combining an applied knowledge of the three E's with the latest IoT technology can enhance your EH&S strategy by helping you track compliance, monitor airflow trends, and maintain air quality. Attend our webinar to learn how.

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    Wednesday, June 3 at 2:00 PM ET
Functional Safety of Control Systems

What are the relevant standards related to safety control systems? What should you be aware of when it comes to designing or modifying these systems? What are the key factors of safety control system design and the related design implications?

ISO 13849-1/2 and ANSI B11.26 (standards for safety-relevant control systems) are applied in automation and in the design of plants — do you know why and how? Attend this webinar and gain valuable insight into the processes and standards that are important in the design and evaluation of safety-relevant control systems.

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