No jabs, no entry. This is the dark world we are careening into, but there's something you can do.
The GreenMedInfo Daily Newsletter December 12, 2021 |
| Leah Wilson Interviews Alison McDowell | Vaccine Passports Aren’t About Vaccines |
A world where we accept digital identities, is a world where our children and their minds are commoditized. Digital identities limit privileges and mobility in the world, including well beyond medical decisions. Selling bodily autonomy to big tech and big industry comes at a great cost to our children and to our ability to be a good relative. |
Act Now America: Say NO To Vaccine Passports |
Passports usher in a new era of segregation and medical apartheid and must be opposed. The CDC, which issues official guidance that’s quickly adopted at all levels of government and by the private sector, is now making recommendations to loosen lockdown measures and grant certain privileges to those who have received the COVID-19 jab. Those who don’t get it, including individuals who are known to be at risk of harm from the vaccine, are being denied such privileges. This is medical segregation/apartheid at the behest of an agency that’s heavily influenced by pharmaceutical industry interests. Such a practice does not belong in a free society and is reflective of Nazi-era government efforts to segregate “inferior” or “diseased” members of society who were eventually confined or exterminated. |
Top Three Reasons to Try Holy Basil From fighting bad breath or gum disease without the use of chemical mouthwash to pushing glucose levels down, holy basil -- also known as tulsi -- can be your powerful tool for great health. Read Article |
60 Conditions That Respond to Maitake Mushrooms From fighting bad breath or gum disease without the use of chemical mouthwash to pushing glucose levels down, holy basil -- also known as tulsi -- can be your powerful tool for great health. Read Article |
666 Cases of Heart Disease in 12 to 17-Year-Olds After COVID Shots The COVID-19 shots cause heart disease, mainly myocarditis and pericarditis, which is destroying the health of our young people.This is a fact that is no longer in dispute, as even the CDC admits this, as their most recent report states: Read Article |
Conventional laundry products seep dangerous toxic chemical residue into your clothing fibers. Then, you wear it all day and night as it gets absorbed into your bloodstream. Our friends at Truly Free created a non-toxic, chemical-free Laundry Wash. They're offering our GreenMedInfo readers 50 FREE loads + a FREE Laundry Tote with purchase of their bundle. |
With ever exploding censorship, COVID REVEALED exists to bring to light the known facts and needed debate concerning COVID-19 as well as the policies and edicts that surround it. Agendas are being driven, it is no secret. We are taking a stand on transparency as we bring to light, to the entire world, interviews that help force a greater conversation for a practical and scientific way forward. |
If you have a fire in your heart to stand more authentically and want to join an awake soul family then don’t miss this 5-day online summit! THE EVENT opens its arms in service to thousands around the globe providing solutions for humanity in this tumultuous time! HAPPENING DEC. 17-21. |
On November 30th, congressional bill H.R.550 (Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021) passed the U.S. House with a vote of 294-130. All House Democrats and 80 House Republicans voted yes for H.R. 550, including the 4 Republican co-sponsors. This bill paves the way for state and local health departments, as well as public and private health care providers, to share personal health data with the federal government. The bill has hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars allocated to the tracking system's success. It's easy to see this bill is meant to strengthen the enforceability of federal vaccine mandates and normalize vaccine-status discrimination. Let us be clear, this is the tracking system to which the government can tie a digital passport. Tell your U.S. senators that we are not for sale. Americans know the importance of privacy and are joining together to say no to taking and sharing our personal, private data. Share this campaign with 10 of your friends, as we must push back on this bill and it's agenda. |
Support Natural Health & Health Freedom Today! |
Attacks and censorship against Independent journalism, natural medicine, and health freedom advocacy, have never been more intense. In the past few years, Pinterest, Mailchimp, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin have all deleted our accounts. Please support our work at by becoming a member today! |
Sayer Ji Discusses The New And Upcoming Free Speech Platform! |
Perhaps even more concerning is what YouTube’s new policy will do to hundreds of millions of users who face either censoring themselves or being entirely de-platformed. Millions who previously would have spoken up and out will now remain in silent complicity with an agenda dead set on covering up the harms being done by the COVID-19 vaccines, or covering up safer, natural alternatives. I cannot tell which is more egregious when it is all said and done: overt censorship or covert self-censorship? Fundamentally, YouTube’s latest decision is a declaration of war against the truth and the public's right to informed consent. But it will require the tacit consent and/or complicity of millions of users for them to be successful. Will you remain or become part of the solution? Sign up to be a content creator on our pre-launch waitlist for HERE! |
We hope you enjoy the products and events we carefully review and share with you. Some organizations may choose to support our mission by providing a portion of sales to GreenMedInfo. We thank them for their support and thank you for yours too! |
Overcoming Chronic Illness Masterclass: Infections, Toxins & Mindset Do you suffer from a long-term health condition, get sick often or have vague recurrent symptoms? Is your life on hold because of the limitations your health has created? Learn what’s making and keeping you sick, and join us to get the tools and support you need to give your health a fresh start — so you can get back to doing what you love to do. Join us at the Overcoming Chronic Illness Masterclass from December 6-12. Register Here |
Brain Immune Gut Summit Explore the SECRET interconnection between your nervous, digestive and immune systems, and unlock the ultimate roadmap to reversing chronic illness, autoimmunity and inflammation! Enjoy learning from The Brain Immune Gut Summit from January 10-16. Register Here |
Get the most up-to-date information in one place daily from GreenMedInfo's Sayer Ji. |
Never before has censorship and attacks against those sharing scientific research promoting informed consent, natural medicine, and holding accountable powerful industries intent on covering up the true risks of vaccines been more intense. We've seen over 1 million of our social media fans on various platforms be removed in the past year. Telegram, as of today, is the one remaining source of uncensored sharing and community discussion that you can enjoy. We have ~ 50,000 active subscribers. Become an early adopter yourself and join us today! |
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