Latest Headlines



Mother shot and killed, leaving three children behind


A grieving family is trying to pick up the pieces after their loved one was gunned down in Buffalo during a street party early Saturday morning.


Williamsville school district announces "relaunch" plan


Students will follow their current schedule four days a week and keep the same teachers.


Sweet Home to allow moderate-risk sports


Moderate-risk sports at Sweet Home will be allowed to start their season. The plan passed the school board with a vote of 4-3.


Spectrum bringing back free broadband and WiFi internet for 60 days for students, teachers without it


According to Spectrum, any student or educator who lives in a Spectrum internet area and is not currently a customer can enroll and receive broadband or WiFi internet for up to 60 days, at speeds up to 200 Mbps.


What's next for LWA payments in New York?


A harsh warning came from the governor’s office Monday morning over a press conference call after processing issues led to delayed Lost Wage Assistance (LWA) payments through KeyBank on Friday.


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