BU Today

Monday, April 4th

Top Headlines
Boston University BU Sexual Assault Response & Prevention Center SARP

Sexual Assault Awareness Week Begins Today

Annual observance: discussions, performances, community-wide march

Becky McGhee (SED’12, SED’16), BU Children’s Center lead teacher, with a group of three year olds. Photo by Cydney Scott

Help When Needed: Family Resources Office and Children’s Center

Free referral services for child care, vacation programs, summer camps, more

Catherine Espaillat, Alex Sushkov, Boston University Sloane Fellows

Two BU Scientists Win Sloan Fellowships

Astronomer Catherine Espaillat, physicist Alex Sushkov

Boston University, BU Today, internships fall summer, journalism, sports writing, multimedia, clerical

BU Today Seeks Summer, Fall Interns

Deadline for applying is April 8

Featured Video
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YouSpeak Sexual Assault

YouSpeak: Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault Awareness Week, the annual nationwide campaign promoting public cognizance of sexual assault and prevention, kicks off today. This week’s “YouSpeak" asks students if they’ve noticed a change in attitude toward sexual assault. The answers are encouraging.

Upcoming Events
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IS&T Technology Fair

April 4 at 10:00am
George Sherman Union, Metcalf Hall, 775 Commonwealth Ave.

I Will Walk With You

April 4 at 1:00pm
Sexual Assault Response & Prevention Center, 930 Commonwealth Ave.

The Radical Martin Luther King, Jr: A Podcast Listening Party

April 4 at 7:00pm
Howard Thurman Center, George Sherman Union, Lower Level, 775 Commonwealth Ave.

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Series Spotlight
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Mental Health Matters

Mental Health has become a critical issue on college campuses. Here at BU, Behavioral Medicine clinicians report that the number of students in crisis coming in for help has more than doubled over the past five years. And the number of students needing medical transports for psychiatric evaluation has also risen, from 68 in the 2010–2011 academic year to 120 last year. In light of this alarming trend, BU Today examines the state of mental health both nationally and at BU in this special four-part series.

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student breaking pencil

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