Good morning, Marketer, and what about the consumer in the privacy debate?

We devoted a lot of space last week to discussing privacy and the potentially huge impact on addressability if privacy really does become paramount for consumers and legislators. A lot of the talk was about the advertising industry, about brands and publishers, about ad tech. But let’s try being customer-centric for a change.

What does the consumer want? The consumer wants access to lots of free (or very cheap) online content. The ability to continue to use critical services like email and online calendars, news outlets and — less critical, although you wouldn’t know it — social media, all without paying subscriptions. I also suspect (and you can test this by browsing incognito) that consumers like a relevant, personalized web experience. What they don’t want is to see the same ad in every channel every day.

I don’t think the consumer gets all those privileges if digital marketing takes the kind of hit the IAB has been raising alarms about. And here’s an interesting twist. Most people think it’s okay to collect first-party data and use it for targeting. But if you’re collecting that data in different channels, from different devices and not doing any additional tracking, one consumer might look like five or six different consumers with the same interests. And boy are they going to see that same ad a lot. 

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

YouTube to double down on Shorts in 2022

YouTube's roadmap for this year includes enhancements to Shorts and more robust shopping experience features.

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VHT’s Mindful app joins Genesys AppFoundry marketplace

Service reps gain control over channel and timing to accommodate customer needs.

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No, the customer isn’t always right—How to get the most from your CX data

Brands can’t control consumer perception, but they can influence it through the intentional design and execution of their experiences. Success is found by striking a balance between the volatility of memory and the standards and processes proven to have the greatest impact on how consumers experience your brand. Use your data to get there with these four steps.

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10 top retail sector video ads of 2021

There are some reversible, pandemic-related wins but at least one trend that may be long-term. Think TikTok.

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Bridge the gap between marketing and sales

Sales Enablement Platforms bridge the gap between marketing and sales, helping marketers to enable sellers in giving customers digital experiences that are in line with their needs and interests. Gartner sees these platforms as becoming integral to the B2B sales cycle, predicting that, “by 2025, 80% of B2B sales interactions between suppliers and buyers will occur in digital channels.” This new MarTech guide examines the market for these tools with an eye toward the functionality that creates efficiencies and provides benefits for the marketing department.

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What is personalized marketing and how is it used today?

A marketers' guide to personlization and how these tactics can transform campaigns.

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Join us at MarTech, online March 29-30, to explore dozens of time-saving marketing technologies that will help your organization reach a new level of success.

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Help us understand how marketing salaries and roles have changed: Take our survey

The 2022 MarTech Salary and Career Survey will explore how compensation and marketing roles have changed during the pandemic.

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“To me, the argument for applying lower-cost, highly skilled marketing resources to provide leverage to constrained sales resources makes clear business sense. But without buy-in, the idea is going nowhere. So, I call on not only CMOs, but the entire C-suite. Let’s expand the mission of marketing across the entire breadth of the B2B customer relationship.” Ruth Stevens, President, eMarketing Strategy

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