3 John 2
Thank You, Father, that all is well with me and that my body is as healthy as my soul is.
3 John 3
I pray you are very happy about my faithfulness and that I am living in the truth.
3 John 4
I know You have no greater joy than to know Your children live in the truth.
3 John 5
I am doing a good work for You, God, when I take care of the traveling teachers who are passing through, even though they are strangers to me.
3 John 6
I speak of friendship and loving deeds. I do well to send them on their way in a manner that pleases You, God.
Zingers from Croft M. Pentz, Tyndale House Publishers
4866. Flirtation with sin can lead to romance with Satan.
4867. Sin is not in the deed; it is in the doer of the deed.
4868. Sin would have few takers if its results occurred immediately.
4869. The most expensive thing in the world is sin.
4870. Sin is a short word, and it often makes short work of its victims.