Proverbs 28:18
The honest will be rescued from harm, but those who are crooked will be destroyed.
Proverbs 28:19
Hard workers have plenty of food; playing around brings poverty.
Proverbs 28:20
The trustworthy will get a rich reward. But the person who wants to get rich quick will only get into trouble.
Proverbs 28:21
Showing partiality is never good, yet some will do wrong for something as small as a piece of bread.
Proverbs 28:22
A greedy person tries to get rich quick, but it only leads to poverty.
Zingers from Croft M. Pentz, Tyndale House Publishers
3281. All gentlemen are men, but not all men are gentlemen.
3282. It isn’t fair--girl’s best friend is a diamond--man’s best friend is a dog.
3283. To measure a man, note the height of his ideals, the depth of his convictions, the breadth of his sympathies, and the length of his sacrifices.
3284. We do not need methods or more money; we need better men.
3285. There is only one way to be a gentleman--there are hundreds of ways not to be.