Faith Daily
DeWayne Owens

Ziglar Morning Devotion featuring DeWayne Owens

This inspirational, short video will send you on your week ready to conquer the world with Jesus' power and love. DeWayne Owens is a nationally recognized Speaker, Author, Trainer, Pastor, and Official Chaplain of the Ziglar Legacy Certification Program.


1 John 4:5

False prophets belong to this world, so they speak from the world’s viewpoint, and the world listens to them.


1 John 4:6

But I belong to You, God; that is why I, who know You, listen to You. If I do not belong to You, I do not listen to You. That is how I know if someone has Your Spirit of truth or the spirit of deception.


1 John 4:7

Dear Father, let me continue to love others, for love comes from You. Anyone who loves is born of You, God, and knows You.


1 John 4:8

But anyone who does not love does not know You, God–for You are love.


1 John 4:9

You showed how much You loved me by sending Your only Son into the world so that I might have eternal life through Him.

Zingers from Croft M. Pentz, Tyndale House Publishers

4716. It is better to fill a little place right than a big place wrong.

4717. The highest bidder for the crown of glory is the lowest wearer of the cross of self-denial.

4718. Some people spend time counting the cost when they should consider the cost for not following Him.

4719. Satan selects his helpers from the idle–Christ from those who are busy.

4720. You have not really lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.

In 1978, Zig Ziglar christened his new office building (at the corners of Alpha and Omega) by establishing the Monday Morning Devotional. He invited his staff, his family, his friends and associates to attend as often as they wished. Many non-staff quickly became “regulars,” and all made contributions to the success of the event.


Ziglar, Inc., 2140 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite L702 Southlake, Texas 76092 United States 1 (800) 527-0306