Faith Daily
DeWayne Owens

Ziglar Morning Devotion featuring DeWayne Owens

This inspirational, short video will send you on your week ready to conquer the world with Jesus' power and love. DeWayne Owens is a nationally recognized Speaker, Author, Trainer, Pastor, and Official Chaplain of the Ziglar Legacy Certification Program.


Hebrews 5:8

So even though You, Jesus, were God’s own Son, You learned obedience from the things you suffered.


Hebrews 5:9

In this way, God qualified You as a perfect High Priest, and You became the source of eternal salvation for all of us who obey You.


Hebrews 5:10

And You, God designated Jesus to be a High Priest in the Line of Melchizedek.


Hebrews 5:11

There is so much more You would like to say about this. But I don’t seem to listen, so it’s hard to make me understand.


Hebrews 5:12

I have been a Christian a long time now, and I ought to be teaching others. Instead, I need someone to teach me again the basic things a beginner must learn about the Scriptures. I am like a baby who drinks only milk and cannot eat solid food.

Zingers from Croft M. Pentz, Tyndale House Publishers

4036. If we pray in times of victory, we will not need to plead in times of defeat.

4037. Many prayers end up in the dead-letter office because they lack sufficient direction.

4038. The best way to influence people for God is to intercede with God for people.

4039. When it seems hardest to pray, we should pray the hardest.

4040. You can turn any care into prayer anywhere.

In 1978, Zig Ziglar christened his new office building (at the corners of Alpha and Omega) by establishing the Monday Morning Devotional. He invited his staff, his family, his friends and associates to attend as often as they wished. Many non-staff quickly became “regulars,” and all made contributions to the success of the event.

YOU are invited and welcome to attend the Ziglar Monday Morning Devotions.

When: every Monday at 7:30 AM CST

Where: 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248


Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306