Also: Influencers’ communities ask how they can help, Uber offers free rides for frontline health care workers, how communicators are sharing information during the pandemic, and more.

TODAY’S HEADLINES – 04.01.2020  


Zoom criticized for privacy and data concerns, Airbnb apologizes and pledges $250M to hosts, and NPR skips April Fools’ Day

Also: Influencers’ communities ask how they can help, Uber offers free rides for frontline health care workers, how communicators are sharing information during the pandemic, and more.



What PR pros are sharing with stakeholders during COVID-19

How often do employees want to hear about health care messages, business continuity updates, and other missives? Here’s what makes some communicators hopeful.



The importance of vulnerability in COVID-19 messages

As many leaders seek to engage their stakeholders and workforces around the issues posed by the coronavirus crisis, messages that acknowledge fears resonate.



How are you giving back during this crisis?

Many organizations are trying to be essential resources for their people and the places they do business. We want to hear how you are reaching out.



Addressing media inquiries when an employee has coronavirus

Many of timeless pieces of PR wisdom still apply, but the emphasis and application might change in these extraordinary circumstances.



Are you or your team creating influential comms campaigns?

Enter PR Daily’s Nonprofit PR Awards to earn recognition for your campaigns and content. Deadline for entries is April 24.



How offering historical context helps in a crisis

Your crisis communications should be able to lean on your past record. Here are some ways to tell that story to help bolster your reputation and build trust.



Instacart, Amazon employees strike over COVID-19, Macy’s furloughs employees, and Google thanks health care workers in video

Also: Brand managers join the COVID-19 conversation with ‘social distancing’ messages, Girl Scouts moves cookie sales online, PR pros advise skipping on April Fools’ Day, and more.



How to evaluate if your coronavirus message is necessary

Though some PR experts call for erring on the side of over-communicating, inundated and anxious audiences will appreciate any effort to avoid unnecessary outreach.



How to stay on track while working from home

You can get a lot done, but it’s crucial to keep your balance. Here’s how you can preserve some of your sanity.



Skills for PR pros to learn during social distancing

Take some time to develop your skillset during your downtime, all from the comfort of your own home.



Did you stand out on the noisy media landscape?

Showcase your campaigns, events and pitches by entering PR Daily’s Media Relations Awards. The entry deadline is May 8.



How influencer marketing is helping the public fight COVID-19

As coronavirus dominates social media, brands and influencers can use content as a front-line defense against the disease.



Airbnb suspends marketing campaigns, Google cancels April Fools’ Day jokes, and WHO launches app with COVID-19 info

Also: Google pulls Infowars app for misinformation, Taco Bell to give free food during ‘Taco Tuesday,’  crisis communications are PR agency’s top sought-after skill, and more.

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