
Zuckerberg Connecting Whatsapp, Instagram, and Facebook. What Could Go Wrong?
The OTT Marketing Juggernauts Have Arrived
Mark Zuckerberg is trying to encrypt the backbone between WhatsApp, Instagram, and the core platform Facebook.

I think what we are going to get for the first time in over-the-top is the marketing juggernauts have arrived.
We Enable Small Sellers To Compete With the Big Guys, Says Etsy CEO Bad Guys Can Implant Malicious Functionality From Anywhere, Says Huawei SCO
We allow small sellers to be able to compete head-to-head with the big guys, says Etsy CEO Josh Silverman.
The bad guys can implant malicious functionality in hardware and software from anywhere in the world.

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I don’t have a level playing field in China. They get to use our markets in ways that we can’t use theirs. That’s not okay anymore.
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“I think we will have (functional phones running on 5G in 50% of the country) by next year,” says Verizon CEO Hans Vestberg. People are going to really give a hard look at cloud security, says Darktrace CEO Nicole Eagan.

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