U. Of Alabama returns largest gift in its history after donor tells students to stay away; how to make the best of bad course evaluations; and more.
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The governor signed into law the country’s most restrictive abortion ban in May, spurring many students in the state to keep fighting for reproductive-health rights. (PREMIUM)
The surveys are rife with bias, and educational and legal considerations are upping the pressure to change them and maybe even eliminate them. (PREMIUM)
The colleges with the most fellows over the past 42 years awarded an estimated 1 percent to 22 percent of their degrees in the humanities in 2016-17. (PREMIUM)
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Undergraduate students increasingly prefer technology-supported and hybrid-learning environments that offer both online programs and face-to-face courses.
Colleges used to handle almost all the functions necessary to enroll, educate, and graduate students. As financial pressures mount, more of them want to focus on teaching and research, and transfer other operations to specialized businesses. Enter the public-private partnership, or P3. Our new issue brief is all-in-one primer on these complex relationships. Purchase a copy in the Chronicle Store.