A groundbreaking study published in the European Heart Journal revealed that early-morning coffee drinkers enjoy significant health benefits compared to those who consume coffee throughout the day. The numbers are eye-opening. Morning coffee drinkers had a…31 percent lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease16 percent lower risk of dying from any causeThis is the first study to specifically look at when we drink coffee, not just how much we drink. And the timing, it turns out, really matters. Why? It all comes down to your body's natural rhythm. Drinking coffee later in the day can disrupt your circadian rhythm—your body's internal clock. This disruption can lead to sleep problems, especially for those who drink coffee throughout the day. The good news is that coffee itself isn't the villain here. In fact, research continues to show that drinking coffee protects against:Cardiovascular diseaseType 2 diabetesOther chronic conditionsThe key is to pay attention to WHEN you drink it. To maximize benefits and minimize risks, try:Enjoying your coffee early in the daySetting a cutoff time for caffeineBeing consistent with your coffee routinePaying attention to how late-day coffee affects your sleepI’ve made this change recently. I used to drink coffee all day, and now I just drink it in the morning, and it’s made a real difference to my sleep habits. Remember, it's not about giving up your beloved coffee—it's about timing it right to get the most benefits for your heart. Health and Happiness, Dr. Scott Olson, ND P.S. Unexpected perks of your coffee habit revealed! Ed. Note: Please send your feedback: feedback@livingwelldaily.com - and click here to like us on Facebook or click here to follow us on Twitter. SOURCE: Wang, X., Ma, H., Sun, Q., Li, J., Heianza, Y., Van Dam, R. M., Hu, F. B., Rimm, E., Manson, J. E., & Qi, L. Coffee drinking timing and mortality in US adults. European Heart Journal. |