Armando Kirwin investigates some of the factors impacting 360 filmmaking in a multipart series. "360 film production technology has gone from proprietary systems held by a few well-funded companies to now being accessible by basically anyone," Kirwin explains. "Traditional production technology experienced a similar transformation, but whereas it took many decades for that to happen in Hollywood, it looks like it will only take 360 film another year or two for the major production technologies to be well democratized."
"AOL says that although immersive formats are yet to fully take off with consumers, live formats are becoming mainstream, particularly on social media platforms drawing in a wide range of audiences for short bursts of time as a result."
Virtual reality was the next big thing. Until all of a sudden it wasn't. Despite a great deal of hype and a handful of forward-thinking early adopters, there have been more than a few speedbumps when it comes to widespread adoption of virtual reality in news environments. That's according to a new report from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, which took an in depth look at VR journalism and where the technology is headed.