Newsletter (Rules of Golf): Please resubscribe. I am happy to announce that my Oswald Golf Rules Academy is re-opening. If you were previously subscribed to my Rules newsletter, you can receive it again just by clicking the link below: -> Resubscribe. If you choose not to receive the newsletter, do nothing. You will receive one more e-mail reminder from me, and after that you will not hear from me again (unless, of course, you resubscribe :-)). For my dedicated Rules friends, please recommend my subscription to your friends and relatives or even your golf club! Enthusiastic golfers are the ones with the most interesting Rules questions that need answers!! My newsletter will be sent 1-2 times a month and will update you on any new Rules interpretations, Rules situations from the professional tours, new Rules articles, Rules Official teaching material, Rules videos, Rules flash cards, Rules books etc… and all of it will be presented in the well-known “Oswald-style”, i.e. with a smile, a funny story, and a good dose of enthusiasm. -> Resubscribe. My motto still is: “Learning the Rules of Golf should be fun and interesting”. Some of you might ask: Didn’t you close your Academy in 2021? The answer is “yes”. I closed during the Covid Pandemic, but now that I’ve had some time to think about it, I realize how much I love teaching the Rules of Golf. So, I am re-opening my Golf Rules Academy! I am looking forward to being in contact with all of you again and maybe “meet” you on one of my seminars or Rules nights. Best regards Brian |