“My Father Reads Wang Wei” details the lead-up to my fight against a world champion kickboxer. My dad voiced his worry that I may be killed in the cage and this fear compelled me to grapple with his advancing age, which somehow allowed us to speak differently about our family’s past. How do we keep poetry this urgent, this embodied, even when the spectre of death has receded for now, just a little? Jenny Liou on "My Father Reads Wang Wei" |
Jeff Alessandrelli Talks to Kelly Krumrie "In my creation of the book, I gave each of the girls a shadow person, a saint or a scientist, that helped me build them. They evolved as I was writing, so they’re not true, close models of other people, but inspired by them. For example, the character Maria, who is a swimmer, came from the mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi whose legacy is something called the “witch curve,” which looks like a wave rolling over a circle." via THE ADROIT JOURNAL |
What Sparks Poetry: Deborah Woodard on Amelia Rosselli's "The Dragonfly" "What I hope comes through in my and Roberta Antognini’s translation of this passage is the obsessive insistence with which Rosselli demands we search for and find Ortensia, and how equally insistently the text embodies a desire that is somehow delicate, hermetic and insatiable by turns. Rosselli takes the onanistic, gratingly abrupt though brilliant original and gives it a brand new lyrical body along with a new subjectivity to inhabit that body." |